
Highly flexible, personalized, and digital

production model for products and services

The advantage of intelligent machines is to establish a solid foundation for intelligent intellectual manufacturing. We are committed to constructing a highly flexible production model for personalized and digital products and services. In this model, with the disappearance of traditional industry boundaries, a variety of new areas of activity and forms of collaboration will emerge and significantly increase the flexibility of your production.


The control is integrated into the main computer unit and allows flexible settings.

High precision

During the injection process, dynamically adjust the V/P switching point and holding pressure according to the actual screw position and load pressure to improve product weight repeatability.

Intelligent monitoring and analysis

Sensor detection and operational data monitoring and analysis.

  • World Class Production, With General Makina Assurance

    YIZUMI's Global Technology Meets General Makina's Local Assurance: We are Building the Future Together!

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